Meka Pro – Exemplary Updater of Product Data 2021

Finnish Electrotechnical Trade Association’s anniversary 

Finnish Electrotechnical Trade Association (STK) celebrated its 90th anniversary on 11 November 2021 and the 50th anniversary of the Electricity Number System was celebrated the following evening. Glory and fame were also shared with suppliers. At Thursday’s celebration, Meka Pro was awarded a certificate for being exemplary updater of product data.

“Up-to-date and reliable product information is absolutely essential to our business. Electrical designers and customers make important decisions based on the information”, says Lari Kela, Director of R&D and Product Management.

“Updating product information is an ongoing process, as we have more than 4,200 products in the market. There is a surprising amount of background work, and it requires the involvement of practically the entire organization in some way”, says Product Manager Tommi Pasma.

“As a result of our long-term effort, we have been able to add ETIM information, links, product descriptions and product images for all our products that are active in the Sähkö database. It’s nice to get recognition for the work done”, says Product Manager Aki Lamponen.

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